You don't even play one on TV
A lot of people today, maybe even some of you, think you can read something on the web, maybe from books, or you can point to mistakes someone has made, and you think you're a doctor.
Let me educate these people. No matter how much you've read or think you know, it doesn't take the place of 11 years of education and ten years of clinical experience. Sure, there are doctors who suck; there are doctor's who are overburdened and their acumen is affected. Some of them even occasionally don't do the right thing. Doesn't matter. Everyday I see people who don't follow medical advice because they think they know better. These people are fooling themselves. Everyday I meet people who believe they will live forever, or that their behavior will one day result in a peaceful timely death, just the way they want it. You're deluded.
Here are some typical BULLSHIT diagnoses that I often see adults labelled with: fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (iBS--emphasis on the last two initials), adult ADD. I am not saying these are nonexistent. However, 9 times out of 10 they are incorrect. There are idiot doctors out there who cannot admit that they DON'T KNOW, or are strapped into inventing a label so the insurance will pay for the health care. (the fucked up situation of American healthcare system is a whole 'nother discussion).
There's no bullshit in claiming that medicine is a calling. Anyone who is involved who has not received this calling came into it for the wrong reasons, and will likely be unsuccessful. Those who became physicians with a true feeling of the "calling" or instinctual need to do so, have chosen medicine for that reason. Hashem heals and provides miracles which are channeled through such persons. There is a combination of education, experience, and spirituality involved in helping people which cannot be imitated or duplicated. Anyone who denies this or doesn't understand this is doomed to harming themselves or to being harmed by an inadequate practitioner.