Leah has unwittingly blown her cover by posting my photo on the slanderous blog. The photo was taken with her camera; therefore she cannot deny complicity in the slander. Maybe her rap sheet will have another tic mark on it: leah kleim, leah kleim is the devil
In a Bill signed into law this week it prohibits using a false identity to otherwise annoy, slander, libel or harass anyone on the Internet. Some who are posters on Blogs decry this because they say that that it is a violation of free speech, unfair and it should not be a Federal Crime.
Indeed interesting comments. Yet chances are we have all be slandered and libeled on the Internet by vindictive, nut cases. If we own companies, we have had competitors do this. Most often someone will make up something and make a fake name and try to destroy your brand name, personal integrity out of jealousy, competitiveness or simply spite.
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leah kleim suffers from bipolar disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. psychoLeah is another form of predator: the extortion junkie. She told me that she plans to make a lot of money smearing Chabad. One big rabbi even asked her "how much money will it take to remove your blog?" Leah's response? "$100,000". She says that the rabbi claimed he would get back to her on that. This does not imply guilt on the part of the offended party; this implies slander. Some people are able and willing to pay out big to stop smear campaigns like that.
She also told me that she plans to make money by suing those who use her feaux "company's" name, "ShtickDreck.com". One cannot blame Leah for her hardship. She is 30 years old, a mother with three kids, involved in a troubled marriage, and she doesn't work. Will she extort her husband as well?
This is obviously the basis for the slander against me. She plans to earn cash by smearing me. Ain't gonna happen. And there's plenty of evidence against her in this slander case, not to mention a rap sheet the size of Florida (hmmm....why did I choose Florida?).